Trash Enclosures for Restaurants
Trash rules are changing. Are you containerized?
Trash rules are changing. Are you containerized?
You've probably heard that there are new trash rules for restaurants in NYC. As of today, all restaurant trash must be containerized -- no more bags on the sidewalk. The new law came on fast, with little instruction for restaurants.
CITIBIN is the industry leader in municipal trash enclosures, which the NYC Department of Sanitation has installed in Times Square and 60 other locations in NYC.
Two sizes to fit it all
Our Standard size enclosure that fits up to 4 (four) 50 gallon bags. The Extra Large size fits up to 10 (ten) 50 gallon trash bags. Not sure which one to choose? We'll help you figure it out.

Beautifying commercial corridors
"Who wants to walk down Main Street with trash everywhere? Now it's in a bin instead of on the sidewalk, which the neighborhood notices and appreciates."
-Tiera Mack, Executive Director, Pitkin Avenue BID

Our trash credentials
CITIBIN has been the go-to trash enclosure for more than a decade. Our bins are now in 22 Business Improvement Districts, 60 locations, 1300 residential homes, and sold nationwide. We’ve made it in the punishing conditions of Times Square. And through 60 rounds of Clean Curbs applications with the Departments of Sanitation and Transportation.

Unique add-ons
Add matching custom planters to beautify or vinyl wrap your bin to advertise. We offer multiple ways to enhance your CITIBIN.

Keeps rats away from trash
How do we know that CITIBIN is rat-proof? First, no customers have ever complained about rats after they were installed. Second, we tested the impregnability by baiting CITIBINs with sausage pizza in a rat-infested alley in New York City to see if they could break in. They didn't, and we made a video about the experiment. Have a watch!
"Where will you put the trash now? How containerization works"
If you missed our founder's webinar about trash containerization, you can watch it below! CITIBIN can help you figure out where to put your trash, whether we get your business or not. Click below to watch and enter the following password: Z%Vu7?Yp